Sam and his class traveled to Guatemala City, about an hours drive from Antigua, to visit the Children’s Museum. It was a spectacular museum that could easily rival any children’s museum in the US. I hope we get to go back soon as a family and let sister experience it with us. When we lived in Austin, we had annual passes to the children’s museum and went very regularly. It’s one of the many things I’ve missed since living here, so it was so fun to be able to share that experience with Sam again.
Besides the fun of the activities at the museum, it’s always fun for me to observe Sam in a setting outside of the home. Sometimes I smile and sometimes I cringe because I see so many of my own personality traits in my little man. Sam is a “leader.” He is large and in charge and not afraid of anyone or any new opportunity…especially now that he has essentially mastered the Spanish language. Sam was the first to volunteer for any demonstration. Sam made sure, on his own, that he didn’t miss out on anything and that he got the full experience. Sam was always the first in line, even when he wasn’t always the first to arrive in line. You see, sometimes I smile and sometimes I cringe. He is so special, though, and I’m confident that he will continue to live a life in which he seizes the day and takes hold of all opportunities before him. I pray that we can continue to expose him to the amazing myriad of opportunities this world really holds. I love Sam madly.

Sam in a giant bubble. Doesn't get much more fun than that!
Sam volunteering for the static electricity demonstration. His hair always atracts attention.
Sam and his good friend, Elizabeth. Elizabeth's mom, Tina, is one of my best friends here in Guatemala.
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