Friday, April 15, 2011

A Little Baby Chapin

Big news! I’m pregnant with Baby Dove #3! You’re surprised? You have questions? Let’s see if I can answer them.

• Yes, current plans are to have the baby right here in Guatemala.

• Yes, that will mean that the baby will have dual citizenship. At least until he or she is 18, as far as we understand. And then he/she will have to decide his/her loyalty. The local term for “Guatemalan” is “Chapin,” hence the title “A Little Baby Chapin.”

• Yes, I’ve had two appointments now with the doctor and we’ve toured the private hospital where I will most likely deliver. It will all be okay. As a matter of fact, the doctor we are using did his residency in the US. Stephen and I feel confident and safe about the decision. We also have found a great pediatrician that we have used these past nine months, whom I trust to take care of Baby Chapin the moment he/she arrives.

• Yes, it was semi-planned. We had tried conceiving for several months, touting reasons like: 1) it’ll be way cheaper to have #3 here, 2) I’ll have a full-time nanny to help, 3) our current Guatemalan lifestyle is more “tranquilo” and more conducive to handling the stress of an infant. Then one day I woke up and decided that was all crazy. Stephen and I went out to dinner and talked and decided to stop trying and wait. I realized that I wanted to wait and deliver in the comfort of my own country, that I wanted to have access to all my pretty baby things back home, that waiting until we had consistent income with Stephen’s future job would be better, etc., etc. And then…the two pink lines.

• Yes, thank you so much for asking. The first nine weeks of this pregnancy have been terribly hard. I have been very sick and super exhausted every day. The second trimester can’t get here fast enough. Mark my word; this is the last of our children that will come out of my body.

• Yes, Sam and Ruth both know. Sam is excited and amazingly supportive in his four-year old way. He likes to think of new names for baby on a regular basis, but he has two that he sticks to quite regularly…so much so we are actually considering his suggestions! :) Lately, he also pretends that he, too, has a baby in his tummy. He often puts his stuffed animals under his shirt and says things like, “My baby is coming in August, when is your baby due?” I’m not quite sure how much Ruth Noel understands, but when you ask her where they baby is, she knows the right answer is to point to my tummy.

• Yes, we appreciate your prayers. Pray for my endurance, especially through this first trimester. Pray for our family’s unity and peace during a life of continual change.

Introducing our Little Baby Chapin...

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