A party for our family is not complete without Rice Krispy treats. Too bad you can't buy Rice Krispies in Guatemala, either. Sometimes it feels like the only cereal they sell here is Corn Flakes. So what do you do? You make Corn Flake treats and dye them all different colors and then make them look like Easter eggs! I wasn't too crazy about them, but the kids didn't seem to notice the difference.
Working hard! The week before, the kids did a carpet of their own. This week, the adults got to design the "alfombra" and participate, too. Can you tell what we designed?? Lots of people couldn't, but it created some interesting conversations.
Walking by our carpet. The only people that walk over the carpet are the ones carrying the Jesus float. If you look in the left hand side of this pictures, you can see another blob of a carpet. The kids decided to create another one of their own! The adults didn't mind, because after a while, sticking to the design was tough with little helping hands.
Here they go! The best seat in the house! Stephen's office was literally right above our carpet. We got to watch the whole parade from the window of his office instead of on the crowded, incense-strong streets.
There they go! Crazy, huh?
And what's left after they march by? Not much! But we still thought it looked kind of cool.
I had to include this picture, too. Behind the Jesus float always comes a Mary float and the women are in charge of carrying it. Just look at the expressions on their face!
Saturday, April 23
We spent the morning at a birthday party celebrating the 3rd birthday of our new friend at church. The afternoon was spent dying Easter egg's at our good friend Tina's home. Ruth makes a party hat look good! Our friend (whose son turned 3) sent us some pictures that she took and doctored with Photoshop. She's such an artist!
I'm glad my new friend, Hannah, passed these photos along because my camera was stolen the day before during all the maddness of the Good Friday processionals. She was also kind enough to lend me a camera until we get a new one of our own, so I didn't miss a thing on Easter Sunday!
That afternoon, we dyed Easter eggs at Tina's house. I think Ruth looks so grown up in this pic!
Sam takes his egg dying seriously.
Sunday, April 24 - Happy Easter!
We had such a lovely Easter Sunday. That morning we had brunch at the top of a famous lookout here in Antigua and then attended Easter service. That afternoon, we Americans celebrated an English-style Easter in Guatemala. How's that for international! My friend Tina's husband is from England. We spent the afternoon with her family and Tina cooked an English Easter feast complete with rack of lamb and roasted potatoes. YUM! And of course, the kids got to hunt for Easter eggs.

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