Thursday, February 16, 2012

Hablas espanol??

As of today, we officially have less than three months left in Guatemala. I am sad. Over the past year and a half I have used this blog to share our day to day experiences as well as to keep my own personal account of our time here.

However, as we anticipate the future and reflect on the past, I see that I've talked a whole of Dove and not much Guatemala in a blog called "Doves in Guatemala."

So, one of my many goals over the next three months is to share with you (and for my own 21st century scrapbook-memories) a little bit more about Guatemala. And, of course, about the Dove family in Guatemala. Lots to come. Be excited.

One of the most amazing things about being in Guatemala has been watching my children learn and speak Spanish. Both Ruth and Sam are fluent, no kidding, and it makes me so proud. In the house I don't often get to hear them speak because the language of choice is English. However, there are a few moments I overhear them speak with friends or with our nanny, Leyda, and it's really cool.

Recently, I shot some "secret" video footage of Sam with his friend Sebastian speaking in Spanish. It's terribly out of focus (in my effort to have him not realize I was filming), but the audio is clear. It's only 36 seconds long. Take a listen. Be amazed.

We still struggle with him counting to 20 in English and a few other "basic" things in English, so I imagine there will be lots of adjusting when he starts Kindergarten in August. But in Spanish? No problemo for my little canche.

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