On Friday, October 21, Sam started Karate classes.

He did great, but who knew you have to be flexible for Karate?
On Saturday, October 22, Ruth's nanny (and my right-hand woman) had a bridal shower…or bachelorette party…or a combination of the two, I'm not too sure. Ruth and I attended and had a blast. The party was really like nothing I have ever seen. It was this interesting mix of proper bridal shower etiquette mixed with really risqué bachelorette party-style games.

I mean, just check out abuela with the carrot between her legs. And this was only one of about seven games that made you laugh and feel uncomfortable for abuela all at the same time.

Yes, that's the "Banana Game." You can let your mind go there, because these ladies certainly did!

Ruth was a big help. :)
On Sunday, October 23, Sam had his official graduation from Guatemalan pre-kinder class. The two hour (two hour!!) ceremony included the handing out of diplomas and medals, video presentations, special class presentations, and singing.

My favorite part is that the students all sang songs in English. We've been hearing Sam practice his songs for weeks now and he always sings the English songs with a strong Spanish accent. "Meester sun, Meester sun, Meester Golen Sun…pease shine don on meee." Too funny!!
AND, this afternoon, my neighbors and several other women from the neighborhood surprised me with a baby shower! I felt so loved!

It's OK. You can say it (think it). I'm huge.

Ruth wanted to see how many squares of toilet paper her belly measured, too.

Here's some advice next time you're in Guatemala, pregnant, and having a baby shower: when Guatemalans tell you that it's tradition to take a bite out of the cake before they cut it, don't be as gullible as I was. This is just their way of saying, "Get your head really close to the cake so we can shove your face into it." Stephen thought I saw it coming, but I honestly was just that gullible. So much cake went up my nose my sinuses still feel funny.
What a fun weekend! I feel loved and blessed. And huge. And ready to have this baby. :)
I'll close with one of our favorite songs lately. Enjoy. We cut it short, so you can get the idea in less than 40 seconds.
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