Monday, November 22, 2010


I love to read. When I lived in California I was so jealous of my mom’s book club that I started one of my own. It was a great group and we read lots of great books. Maybe I’ll start a Guatemalan book club, too.
It’s easy to say that my love of reading came from my mom (she has her book club, she spends entire vacations reading, she was a former librarian, she loves to talk about books), but the truth is my love for reading came from both my parents. I can always remember both my mom and my dad having books by their night stand and our house was full of magazines and newspapers.
Since both of my parents are way more tech savvy than me, they of course both have Kindles. I’m pretty sure my dad was one of the first to ever buy a Kindle. For my birthday I got my own Kindle and have really loved it. It’s the perfect solution - I am still able to read books even though I no longer have access to a library. Since we moved here on August 16th, I have read thirteen books. If you’re curious, here’s a list and a little book talk. (The books are listed in no particular order.)

Blue Like Jazz: Non-religious Thoughts on Christianity – Donald Miller - Please read this book. This book challenged me, encouraged me, and made me laugh. Donald Miller captured and shared his love for Christ in this memoir in a way that I strongly identified with. If anyone asks me what I believe, I think I’ll just say, “Read something by Donald Miller. He says it better.”

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer
New Moon
Breaking Dawn
- So I saw my best friend’s Facebook status a month or so ago that said she finally caved and read Twilight. I decided to use my Amazon gift certificate she gave me for my birthday and buy the first novel. And then...I read all four books (each book between 500 – 800 printed pages) and watched all three movies in about 3 weeks time. These crazy books are a drug. And yes, I’m addicted. I probably need help.

The Alchemist – Paulo Choelho – This book is deep. Most of it probably went over my head.

Sh*t My Dad Says – Justin Halpern – This book is funny. Like milk coming out of your nose funny.

Rooms – James Rubart – This is a Christian fiction book. I enjoyed it, but wasn’t crazy about it.

Water for Elephants – Sarah Gruan – This is an historical fiction book about the circus. I thought this book had great writing and I learned tons about the circus.

Ford County Stories – John Grisham – Short stories by John Grisham. There’s a reason the guy is a bagazillionaire. He writes well.

Little Bee – Chris Cleave – This book was tragic (also, technically, historical fiction). I learned a lot from this book about present day refugees. There’s so much pain in this word that most of us are simply clueless about. Thank God for books that give me insight.

The Other Daughter – Lisa Gardener – This book was like watching a really long episode of CSI. I read to the end because I had to know who done it, but it wasn’t really my style. I’m a romantic comedy girl.

Outliers: The Story of Success – Malcolm Gladwell – This book is fascinating. After reading this book, a lot of my conversations for a while started with, “So I read in this book, Outliers…” Basically, Gladewell argues the reasons for certain people’s success and points out that it’s not always as cut and dry at it seems.


  1. You are hilarious. This is the best book report ever. You should write a memoir. Put that on your to-do list right. Love, you husband.

  2. I love so many of those books! Books are awesome. I'm definitely putting Blue Like Jazz on my wish list!

    Love your blog by the way!

  3. I have quite a few books under my belt from the past year and a half. If I can find the list, I'll forward it to you along with my reviews.:)

  4. So, here's a few more to read: (Too bad we can't all get on the same Kindle account and share books) I just finished The Art of Racing in the Rain and it just moved me in a really unique way...want others to read it so I can discuss. I'm in the middle of Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet,'s taking me a while, but I think it's worth it. Your mom says I need to read Sarah's Key...going to download it soon...and I really enjoyed a young adult series (every bit as good as Twilight) starting with The Hunger Games, then Catching Fire, and the final one is called Mockingjay. It's a YA dystopian trilogy that I bet makes its way to the big screen eventually. Your tia :)
