Friday, October 22, 2010

Ruth Noel

In Ruth's short 15 months of life, she has had three bouts of breathing/lung issues. We have been told by the doc that her symptoms are most likely precursers to asthma and are allergy induced.
This past Saturday Ruthie started coughing and showing signs of shortness of breath. It didn't really surprise us, considering her history, so we monitored her and pulled out the nebulizer.
On Monday, I took her to a pediatrician (Dr. Rivas) just to verify my hunch was correct. He, too, diagnosed allergies and said she had no lung infection, no ear infection, no throat infection. We went home and continued with the Zyrtec.
By Wednesday, unfortunately, Ruthie was obviously doing worse instead of better. Lots of coughing and looooottts of crying. (OK, I contributed to the looooootts of crying because I cry when I'm tired. Or nervous. Or just because sometimes.) Thursday she woke up with a fever and was very lethargic. I called Dr. Rivas back who had us come in yesterday to the office. This time he did hear infection in her lungs and was much more concerned. (So was Mommy! There's just something about having a sick child in a third world country that is unsettling. It's just my American mentality, I'm sure, but I'm a Momma and I felt nervous yesterday. I even called our pediatrician in the US because I'm such a nervous American. She assured me his treatment was good and that she was sure Ruthie would be better soon.)
So, more breathing treatments and the antibiotic started yesterday. By last night she as already markedly better! I think Ruthie and I both got our best nights sleep last night since her cough intially began. Today we go back again to Dr. Rivas so he can monitor the response to the treatment after 24 hours.
Ruthie is tough and I'm proud of her. I know what a life of allergies and asthma is like and I know she hasn't felt good all week. Thanks be to God for the 21st century, doctors, advancement in medicine, telephones, Internet and all the lovely technology that helps my Ruthis feel better. Thanks be to God for God who is truly the great physician.

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