Stephen and I both have lots of ideas. It's not uncommon for us to sit up at night and talk about the business we want to start, the book we want to write, the classes we want to teach, or the house we one day want to build (or buy).
Usually these ideas are left on the pillow next to us when we go to sleep and never wake up the next morning to do anything constructive.
Not this time!
Monday night I mentioned to Stephen that Kindle (the e-book) has a section on Amazon for "Kindle Shorts." Kindle Shorts are short essays or stories of any genre, fiction or non-fiction, and are no longer than 15 printed pages. I light heartedly mentioned that Stephen should write one. We started brainstorming and talking about what he could write (and I could edit, of course) and what our mission or goal would be if we "e-published" an essay.
The next morning, this idea decided to wake up with us and get to work. I'm proud to announce that my husband's first Kindle short will appear on Amazon tomorrow afternoon for 99 cents!!!
Details to come tomorrow afternoon about how link to and buy the article. If you're anxious tomorrow afternoon before we post the link, I'm sure you can just search "Stephen Dove" or "What the Hell is Going on with the Greek Financial Crisis" and you'll find it. What you CAN do right now is go on Facebook and like our new FB page -
Wait. Did I just say "What the Hell is Going on with the Greek Financial Crisis?" Why yes I did. So here's the pitch. You're going to love it.
Stephen and I felt like many of us would really like to know more about world events and news. We may see pictures on Yahoo! when we log onto our e-mail or hear interesting tag lines when the TV is on. The thing is, if you're like me, all too often it takes too much energy and too much time to really understand "what the hell" is going on.
I happen to be married to man who knows a lot about what the hell is going on in the world and he does a darn good job of explaining it to me on a regular basis. So he took that gift of his that he shares with me regularly and put it on (electronic) paper.
His first essay is about the current financial crisis in Greece. It is entertaining, hilarious, and informative. I'm biased, I know, but I think you will agree. Please purchase it for 99 cents, Kindle friends, and you can see for yourself. Remember it's a "short," so it should take you no longer than 15 – 30 minutes to read.
Our prayer and hope is that this first article will catch some interest and encourage us to keep the essays coming. We had lots of fun collaborating with this one and we lots of more ideas to add. We just need support.
Yes, support!! So PLEASE, pretty please, purchase the essay. Even more, it would be wonderful if you would write a review on Amazon and tell us what you think. Our personal goal for this first article is to get 20 people to review the essay.
Our hope is that people will really take an interest in learning about current events this way. Our true prayer and hope is that through an essay like the one that will appear on Amazon tomorrow, people will come to understand more that we are all connected. This world is a small place and our actions ripple out to affect others. Other's actions ripple out to affect us. If we make our decisions well and our actions with love, we don't only change our own lives…but the world!