Dear Daddy,
I’m thrilled you came to see us over Spring Break. There’s something about how you light up around the kids that makes me so happy and so proud!

The trip to the lake was fantastic and breathtaking. The kids loved it, too, and Sam has continued to talk about how he liked having a “roommate” for the week. Did you know that Lake Atitlan was listed as one of the top ten destinations for 2011? (Google “Worlds Top Destinations 2011” and then check out the first article.)
Here’s my favorite quote from that CNN article: “Lake Atitlan is one of the most beautiful places in the world.” I’d agree, wouldn’t you? I know we couldn’t be extreme adventurists like you an Erik on the African Safari, but I think with two little ones we did alright. Sorry about all that vomiting in the car on the way there and back.

Not only did you help create an “M &M” monster, but you’ve also now created a Croc-monster. Ruth adores those shoes you got her. Also, her new word of the day is “Walkie Talkie” (no kidding) and she pretends like she’s really using it. Mostly she just shouts “Bubba! Bubba!” as she holds it up to her mouth. I know you saw for yourself, but she is a JOY! Her brother is an amazing gift, too!
Ruth and I are so happy we can be with Mom in May and I’m praying that we are both a good help. I seriously think Ruth will bring just the smile Mom will need after such a difficult surgery. I know we mentioned it last week, but Mom has been seriously strong and amazing through all of this. What an inspiration!
Love you, Daddy. Hopefully you can come again…maybe sometime in November. What do you think? ;)