Instead of re-capping the play by play, I’ve decided to give you a glimpse into our week through some of the week’s best quotable quotes.
“Tuk-tuk!” – Luke Schaefer
Tuk-tuks are our city’s version of the moto-taxi and Luke’s favorite new word! He quickly realized that when he said, “tuk-tuk” he always got a good laugh! Sweet Luke is always the life of the party.

“Aaaa!!!! I ate my arm (or leg, or face, or whatever silly body part).” – Logan and Sam
Logan and Sam are really good buddies and were very excited to see each other this past week. They were super-hyped up most of the week and managed to run and shout and create silly games to their hearts content.

“Swiper doesn’t come to the table.” – Jason Schaefer Some silly games just don’t need to come to the dinner table.
“Let’s just send the boys to school.” – Megan Dove After witnessing all the “excitement” between Sam and Logan on the first day, all the adults agreed that sending them to Sam’s school on Monday while we took a walking tour of the city would be the best option. Logan was apprehensive at first, but told us later in the week that going to Sam’s school was his “favorite part.” Our walking tour of Antigua was informative and fun.

“Go Luke, Go Luke, Go Luke.” – Everyone
On Tuesday we took a special trip to San Antonio (ironic, right?), a small, poor community outside of Antigua. There’s a special organization that offers a small tour in which children from the city put on a traditional dance and music show and then teach you how to make tortillas. Remember how I mentioned Luke is the life of the party? He showed his true colors again as he joined in the dancing fun!

“Gallo!!” – Jason Schaefer
Jason discovered Guatemalan beer.
“Hectors would have been my favorite part of the day…if we would have had babysitters.” – Stephen Dove
We celebrated Jason’s 31st birthday while he was here by having dinner at a fantastic restaurant named Hector's, recommended to us by one of Jason’s doctor friends. It only seats about 12 people, which would be intimate and romantic if four of those weren’t under age 4.
“So how much do fincas cost? I really want a finca!” – Jason Schaefer Finca is the Spanish word for plantation (usually referring to a coffee plantation here). Wednesday we visited a coffee plantation and got the ultimate tour with the zip lines. I’m not sure if Jason really liked the beauty of the finca or the idea of owning so much coffee!

“Wheee” – Sam Dove
The zip-lining tour was definitely a major highlight of the week. Both Samuel and Logan were so brave and big.

“You should market that schedule. It’s a good schedule” – Erin Schaefer
So for those of you who know me well, you know I’m a planner. I teased that I had planned this week so meticulously that I had even had every joke and conversation mapped out before it happened. All teasing aside, my planning paid off – all tours went off without a hitch, all meals were delicious, all reservations were executed…you get my point. It was a good schedule. Maybe I should market that schedule.
“Gimme that face!” – Sam Dove
Sam liked to make Luke laugh. He was very successful with the “gimme that face” game.
“That should definitely be your profile pic. No, make that your profile pic.” – all the grown-ups
We shared some of our last moments together looking at all the pictures from the week. Lots of great memories worthy of the profile pic.